Who do I write for?

I write for high potential people that want to actualize their potential in a direction that is true to them.

Why do I write?

This site mostly acts as a library of my thoughts. I write to keep myself humble, realize how often I am wrong, and to remind myself how frequently lessons in life repeat themselves until I internalize them. You can read more about me and why I write here

Where to find more of me

If you enjoy what you find here, you might want to sign up to receive my new writing via Substack, where I am exploring my own mind via a newsletter called Mind Mine. Similar to how precious minerals need to be excavated with diligent, ruthless effort, so do the gems of truth within our own mind. Hence: Mind Mine! :) I’m aiming to write once a week but hopefully will be ramping that up even more soon.

All of my writing is stored on this site, but you can also see some of the original posts on my Medium page.

I’m also fairly active on Twitter.

If you want to get in touch (I love making new internet friends so don’t be shy!), you can say hi on Twitter which I check often or email me: hazanisabel @ gmail dot com

& that’s all for now folks! I hope you have fun & learn something new while you’re here! If you do, let me know…